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Despite the warning from KRemli, Ivan Abramov is not going to cancel the concert in Batumi

Russian comedian and parodist Ivan Abramov is not going to cancel his August concert in Batumi. According to Russian media, his team is looking for an alternative route to get to Georgia, for example through Baku or Minsk.

"I don't plan to cancel or move it, I will do everything to make the event happen," says Russian comedian Abramov.

As it is known, Russian President Vladimir Putin banned airlines from flying to Georgia from July 8.

After the Russian tourists, the Kremlin today also called on the Russian actors to refrain from traveling to Georgia and to reconsider the planned events. According to Interfax, Vladimir Putin's new "ban" is related to the decision made by Nino Katamadze and the cancellation of concerts in Russia.

Ivan Abramov's concert at the Batumi Music Center is scheduled for August 23.

Despite the warning from KRemli, Ivan Abramov is not going to cancel the concert in Batumi